David S., California
Mentoring/Personal Coashing-Craig has helped me to understand my artistic strengths, pointed out promising avenues of exploration, let me know when something wasn't working, and offered invaluable technical advice. By keeping me on task and spurring experimentation, I've grown much more confident in my photographic vision. I've created images that I never would have been able to without his guidance.
Doug H., California
I’ve just participated in Eloquent Light's Falling for New Mexico and I’m very pleased I attended. Craig Varjabedian who facilitated the workshop is personable and very attentive to all participants no matter what skills they bring to the workshop. His decades of professional photography and his intimate knowledge of Northern New Mexico allow him to give expert technical advice and also to show participants the best locations for their landscape shots. My time and money were very well invested in Falling for New Mexico.
Tim N., Ohio
As a Landscape photographer I have learned over the years that my surroundings are like a live stage performance. You must be prepare. I recently had the excitement of attending “Eloquent Light” Photographic Masters Workshop at “The White Sands National Park" in New Mexico. A perfect live stage for a Landscape Shooter.
The Master photographer and instructor, Craig Varjabedian is the true “photo soul” of the White Sands Park; a wild area of white sand dunes, flowering yucca and beautiful blue skies of intense sunrises, sunsets and black starry night. Craig has truly “written the book” on this area of the country.
From early sunrise to sunset and into the night shots he will make sure you will be in the right place, at the right time, to create, the most amazing artistic images of this wild area.
When your stunning shot presents itself - Craig will be there if his assistance is necessary to help you capture the perfect moment.
Wilson C., Maryland
Thanks again for a well planned photography workshop into the White Sands National Monument. This was my third trip with you and I wasn’t disappointed. I had hoped to be able to have the opportunity to photograph the yucca, the dunes and the night sky and I was not disappointed.
For me it was another National Park/Monument to see and experience the natural world and its wonders. What a beautiful and unique environment to experience.
Thank you for another great adventure and a fond memory.
Heather (aka Brody S.), California
We work hard to make sure that there is always a component of “fun” in our workshops. Sure we work hard to guide our students toward good photographs but a little fun can go a long way when the journey becomes difficult.
We recently received this delightful workshop praise from our new friend and workshop participant Heather, known to some as Brody. Here is her workshop story:
So like, there’s this rad dude named Craig who’s lived in New Mexico for like almost AS LONG AS I HAVE BEEN ALIVE? He knows all the super cool spots to point a lens, and was like, totally welcoming even though I’m from California and kind of weird and have a janky camera. It was, like, awesome as heck to go around New Mexico and see all the neat stuff. I’ve never been to New Mexico- the surf sucks and there’s like no oxygen there, but everything is totally beautiful and perfect and the light is amazing. The shopping in Santa Fe is bonkers expensive, but that’s fine because we were, like, in class all day anyway and it was so fun I didn’t even miss getting to check out the boutiques. We even went out and did night photography in like the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE in the DARK, and it was super rad to see all the stars.
Cesar U., Washington
I have fallen back in love with photography . . .
I arrived in Santa Fe the evening before the workshop after nearly six years of literally not picking up my DSLR camera. After spending four days and evenings with workshop leader Craig Varjabedian and the other participants, wandering up and down the back roads and byways near The City Different, I can honestly say that I have fallen back in love with photography. I learned new techniques and was shown new ways of looking at a scene and interpreting it visually. I also made new friends. I would recommend this workshop without reservation to photographers of any background. Eloquent Light will go out of their way to make sure that the charm and beauty of the northern New Mexico high plateaus and mountains stays with you long after you depart.
Debi B., Oregon
While on an Eloquent Light workshop at White Sands National Park with Craig I had a breakthrough, that while obvious to some, it took me years to realize/believe in my own level of competence and confidence.
After taking many photography workshops and producing lovely images I always seemed to worry about finding the “right settings on my camera” as well as the perfect composition for my pictures. At times I seemed to be distracted by technical matters rather than focusing on the inspirational part of photography. It is not about the equipment you have— it’s truly about the vision you seek out. When you feel that aha! moment when all the parts are in order ( composition, light, colors, feeling etc.) making photographs is magical.
The Epiphany!: I finally acknowledged that I really did know the technical side. I gave myself permission to trust my skills and develop my art. Craig Varjabedian [Eloquent Light] is a wonderful mentor. It really is about the passion and the vision. It is about the head and the heart not about the equipment! No longer will I overcomplicate my endeavors.
Janet P., Washington
My daughter and I attended the “Land of Georgia O’Keeffe” workshop with Eloquent Light. I found the workshop online through a google search and took a chance and signed up for it based on the online description. I’m so very glad that I did because the workshop exceeded my expectations.
Not only did we receive excellent individualized instruction but we got to see and photograph an insider’s view of New Mexico that would not have been available to us without our photo guides. Eloquent Light is a first class operation and I would recommend them whole heartedly to anyone looking for a rewarding photography workshop.
Margaret S., Florida
“Ask any alumnus of the Eloquent Light experience and two things that stand out in memory are 1) the one-on-one attention from workshop director, Craig Varjabedian, that takes you to a new level of skill and creativity, and 2) the wide open spaces as the setting for exquisite Southwest light and landscape.
Head to storied New Mexico locations such as Ghost Ranch, Rio Chama, White City, a pueblo or two, or the streets of Santa Fe. The Eloquent Light team structures the experience at each location as you learn the characteristics of light and scenery that capture an image revealing the essence of a hillside, an old Spanish Mission, a historic church, or a simple doorway of an adobe home.
The Eloquent Light team has spent thirty years building relationships with people and places that bring an authentic experience to each and every participant.”
Ami B., Nevada
I recently attended Eloquent Light's Santa Fe photography workshop, called Santa Fe: The People And The Land. We had a small group, so we got a lot of individual attention from Craig, and his assistant. Both Craig and his assistant are amazing photographers, and good teachers and coaches. They took us to a number of great sites of interest to photograph, including a working ranch. Of special interest was their coaching on how to use HDR to manage high contrast light. On the last day, they reviewed our photos, giving us valuable tips and tricks. We learned a lot on this workshop, and had a lot of fun too! Thanks, guys!
Paula L., Oklahoma
“I thoroughly enjoyed my recent workshop in Santa Fe Faces of the American West: Portraits of the Cowboy and the Native American at Eloquent Light Photography Workshops. The name is so descriptive of the kind of photography we were able to do. Lots of western and cowboys shoots. The models and the locations were excellent. We were a small group and had lots of personal attention with our photography. Portraits have never been easy for me, but I think with the new things I learned to practice I will improve substantially. I look forward to participating in another workshop with Eloquent Light Workshops in the future...”
Tim N., Ohio - Portrait Workshop
I just finished my 3rd photo workshop with you (Faces of the American West: Portraits of the Cowboy and the Native American) .
The location and the models were amazing and truly unique.Your tips for natural lighting, posing, in camera processing were exemplary and your professional advice for Lightroom and Photoshop was point perfect!
As an award winning professional photographer it comes across in your teaching style. The wealth of your proven photographic skills and in-depth command of post processing in both Lightroom, Photoshop and the other processing methods such as Topaz makes for a extraordinary workshop experience.
You truly have the entire package covered when you teach a workshop it makes for a worthy investment.
Robert F., Washington
"Thank you for a genuinely unique experience. I have attended other workshops by other photographers before, but not one that I found to be so much fun. The defining quality of your workshop was its intimacy - the small number of students; the close personal attention you provided to each of us; gaining entry to sites not open to everyone; and the sense that you not only know photography, but also the people and history of New Mexico. When anyone asks me where they can learn more, I never hesitate to recommend they take a workshop with you."
Kerry S., Texas
"The first workshop was an incredible experience! It served as great motivation to move forward in learning new skills and to discover the beauty and significance of light in photography. Almost five years later, I rejoined Eloquent Light for a White Sands Photography Workshop. Our small group hiked across the gypsum sands enjoying and photographing the beautiful scenery. White Sands put on a magnificent show for us and Craig guided us to the "best seats in the house!" Thank you, Craig, for another wonderful experience!."
Lisa R., New Jersey
"It was truly amazing. I didn’t need instructor Craig Varjabedian to turn me on to the magic of the place, but I sure appreciated his reverence for White Sands and his deep intimacy with it. He encouraged each of us to feel and see it in our own ways, while also helping us to see in new ways. He is an excellent teacher, who naturally paces information, technique, demonstration, and constructive feedback in concrete, individualized ways. Craig was easygoing yet attentive. He was keenly attuned to the weather, individual needs, and group dynamics, and managed to stay just a step ahead, anticipating changing needs. He made sure that we were in place to take advantage of the best light conditions, that each of us got the attention we needed, and that we learned from each other. We all felt respected, listened to, and learned lots from the experience while having a terrific time! I highly recommend the experience."
Anne Marie H., New York
"I would like to thank you for a great workshop. The Santa Fe & New Mexico Landscape Workshop was a great introduction to this beautiful part of the country. The workshop was a great mix of classroom and location instruction. All the locations that we photographed were perfectly chosen to get us there at the optimal times. I never felt rushed and felt all my questions were answered. I am very happy with the photographs I captured."
Dale O., New Mexico
"Instructor Craig Varjabedian reawakened that part of me that used to see the world through an artist's eyes (before decades of technical career). As a teacher, Craig Varjabedian does not tell you what you should do. He talks to you and watches you in order to understand what it is that you want to do and then he helps you to get there. He has the experience and expertise to perform this magic with novice and professional alike. I recommend Craig Varjabedian's workshops for anyone who loves photography and wants to get better at it."
Ron C., Colorado - Private Workshop Participant
I've had the good fortune to work with Craig Varjabedian in three private workshops over the past 18 months. Each of those workshops has been a fun, productive and intense learning experience for me. Craig is a dedicated, experienced, generous and highly engaging teacher. He genuinely wants his students to learn and get full value from their investment of time and money in his workshops.
Norman E., Oregon
I booked a two-day private workshop with Eloquent Light while recently in Santa Fe. Craig Varjabedian was a perfect photography coach and guide to northern New Mexico. Craig is an accomplished professional artist and photographer with over 30 years of experience shooting the light in the Southwest. He is an amicable conversationalist, kindhearted, and strikes just the right balance between gentle coaching and letting me explore my own vision. This allowed me to learn from him but also spend time on my own exploring and shooting the beautiful locations we visited.
Craig made special arrangements to visit sites that were, at the time, closed to the public. This created wonderful and rare opportunities for seeing and shooting.
I learned Craig has special powers as well. Every time we needed a cloud to pass in front of our lenses – a white puffy New Mexico cloud appeared. :-)
Cindy, Craig’s partner and chief organizer, made everything work like clockwork and provided a number of terrific suggestions for other activities in and around Santa Fe.
I highly recommend Eloquent Light. Thanks!
Leslie H., Virginia
I’ve just returned from my second workshop with Craig at Eloquent Light Workshops. I love the small intimate groups which give many opportunities to work one-on-one with Craig and his assistant.
Craig’s extensive knowledge of White Sands National Monument made the vast landscape manageable as he guided us to the ideal locations at the perfect light to compose and capture its beauty. He shared his viewfinder to teach and train our eye to compose pictures with impact and interest.
The results were beautiful images that expressed the feeling and grandeur of White Sands to me. Craig has renewed my love for photography and taught me a new way of seeing light’s play on the land. I look forward to more. Thank you.
Collene G., Texas
It's difficult to put the workshop experience into words because it wasn't about words. For me the workshop was about using the camera as a tool to capture my perception and feelings, not to factually document events and situations.
Technically there was excellent instruction about the mechanics of actually using a camera. The "what, why & how" of using the camera was explained. Bracketing was used to take the photographs and manual manipulation was encouraged. Hands on instruction was provided for interpreting a histogram, how to best use different lenses, light filters, tripods, etc.
By pushing the envelope beyond my comfort zone I got some great photographs and also made technical mistakes. Those mistakes enabled me to make progress because before the workshop I didn't know what I didn't know. The workshop experience helped me realize the importance of knowing how to use my camera and equipment as a tool to capture what I saw in my mind even before I looked through the lens.
Al L., Texas
"After first seeing Craig Varjabedian's beautiful work on the Internet quite by accident, I knew that I wanted to be involved in one of his workshops. For many years I dreamed of attending one of Eloquent Light's workshops and this past October, that dream became a reality. I was not disappointed. We spent four wonderful days taking in the flavor of Santa Fe and the surrounding areas, all the time learning more about photography. We enjoyed our small group setting. Craig takes the time to pay attention to the needs of his participants. I highly recommend Eloquent Light and Craig Varjabedian to any photographer regardless of skill level. I will definitely attend another offering soon."
Myra B., Pennsylvania
“I recently had the opportunity to take a private workshop with Craig Varjabedian, and it was a truly amazing experience. Craig was genuinely interested in my personal photographic vision and patiently worked with me to improve my camera skills. I have participated in many incredible group workshops with Eloquent Light, and highly recommend them. If at all possible, though, I encourage folks to take a private workshop with Eloquent Light; as Craig says, he “ always take(s) you to the best places!”.
David C., New Mexico
I wasnʼt sure what to expect from an Eloquent Light workshop. I knew I liked Craigʼs work and subject matter, but Iʼve been disappointed in photography workshops before. Well, was I in for a treat! Craig is not only a gifted photographer, but he is also a talented teacher who is passionate about art and photography.
His mix of wonderful subjects, along with his insights and capabilities, provided the groundwork for a great workshop experience. It doesnʼt stop there. Craig is invested in his students, and works hard to answer questions, offer suggestions, and help them advance in new directions.
Keeping his workshops small will gives him ample time to work with each individual. On top of all of that, the man likes to have fun while he works, and that rubs off on all of us! I came away with not only new learning, but also new ideas on how to approach my own photographic work.
Kerry S., Texas
In November 2009, I participated in an Eloquent Light Photography Workshop in Santa Fe, New Mexico. Being very inexperienced, Craig Varjabedian helped to ignite a passion within me for photography. The workshop was an incredible experience! It served as great motivation to move forward in learning new skills and to discover the beauty and significance of light in photography.
Almost five years later, I rejoined Eloquent Light for a White Sands Photography Workshop. Our small group hiked across the gypsum sands enjoying and photographing the beautiful scenery. White Sands put on a magnificent show for us and Craig guided us to the "best seats in the house!"
Thank you, Craig, for another wonderful experience! I look forward to our paths crossing again in a future adventure.
Eva L., Washington D.C.
“ . . . it was an absolutely wonderful trip. What a revelation Yosemite is! And you got us to the best photographic locations. Your enthusiasm helped make the experience tremendous fun. Likewise, your detailed knowledge of the park helped us make the most of the scenery, great weather, and photo ops. I came away with an even deeper appreciation for the park and Mother Nature. I also greatly valued your input on photo hardware, software, and printers. Those conversations were extremely useful as well. Although I’ve only started to process my photos, it seems fairly certain that I’ll have a good number of “keepers.” Many thanks!”
Elizabeth B., New Mexico
“Craig Varjabedian at Eloquent Light Photography Workshops in Santa Fe is one of those rare teachers who meets his students exactly where they are, instinctively recognizes their individuality and encourages them to discover and develop their own talents.
As a very amateur beginning photographer, I was lucky to have chosen Eloquent Light as my first experience in taking a photography workshop and have since taken two other workshops - learning more each time and growing by leaps and bounds in my knowledge of how to take a good picture. Craig and the staff at Eloquent Light make each workshop an adventure with master class instruction and with the access to exquisite locations and models unavailable to the public.
Each workshop has been perfectly crafted for the participants involved and regardless of the varying abilities of the group, Craig is able to differentiate amongst his students - giving them each special attention and confidence to grow as a photographer. Along with the technical expertise of his fellow instructor Tye Hardison and his amazing Workshop Manager Cindy Lane, each workshop has been a joyful, meaningful and far beyond my expectations. I can’t wait for my next one!”
Andrew R., Germany
“ I learned more in two days with Craig than I did with an eminent Australian landscape photographer in two weeks.
I had two days of personal tutoring with Craig touring sites in the Santa Fe area wanting to learn about handling the harsh light, picking up location and composition tips. With Craig taking images alongside me and pointing out the small, but very important changes, to compositions and camera settings, I absorbed huge amounts of information almost by osmosis.
His laid back style was perfect and he clearly gets huge enjoyment helping others to improve. It was a joyful experience and I can understand why so many international clients keep coming back to this fantastic place to learn from one of the most generous teachers. Like those others, I shall return. Many thanks Eloquent Light! “
Dale O., New Mexico
"Instructor Craig Varjabedian reawakened that part of me that used to see the world through an artist's eyes (before decades of technical career). As a teacher, Craig Varjabedian does not tell you what you should do. He talks to you and watches you in order to understand what it is that you want to do and then he helps you to get there. He has the experience and expertise to perform this magic with novice and professional alike. I recommend Craig Varjabedian's workshops for anyone who loves photography and wants to get better at it."
Ron C., Colorado
“I recently spent a week in Santa Fe working with Eloquent Light and Craig Varjabedian in an one-on-one private workshop. This is the fourth time I've had the opportunity to do this and, in many respects, it was the most productive. Craig has excellent relationships with a number of ranchers, cowboys, horse trainers, rodeo competitors and other locals -- real people who we meet and photograph on ranches, in stables, on closed movie sets and at the beautiful nearby living museum. Because our subjects are not professional models, there's a more genuine quality to them and to their interactions with their horses, dogs and the settings in which we meet them. It's a pleasure to get to know these people -- some of whom I've met and photographed previously -- and to spend a few hours with them. Our arrangements are never rushed. We have plenty of time to find (or wait for) the best light, and Craig is always generous with his coaching, counsel and advice. I'm delighted with the images that came from these sessions and, as importantly, with the opportunity to improve my technique and skills in making environmental portraits.”
Leslie H., Virginia
"Serendipity was in my favor when I found this workshop. I had a wonderful week and learned so much!”
Walter & Robyn M., Montana
“What a fantastic workshop we were treated to at White Sands National Monument. Thank you, Craig and Cindy, for sharing this wonderful adventure with us and for being so patient. We carried home memories that will last a lifetime. Our eyes were opened to things that we had not seen before.
We came home with not only images of the stark beauty of White Sands, but knowledge learned in the classroom and in the field., plus friendships. This was my third workshop with Craig Varjabedian and my husband’s first. It was a wonderful experience for both of us and did not disappoint.”
Kerry S., Texas
"Thank you for another wonderful workshop! The scenery was spectacular and provided a great setting for learning about photography, as well as developing friendships with an interesting and diverse group of people. Add your compassion for sharing and teaching photography, and you have provided the exclamation mark to a great week in California! I encourage anyone thinking about participating in a photography workshop, to strongly consider these workshops. It will be a rewarding experience."
Rose B., Texas
"The workshop was delightful for me. You have a unique talent for hospitality – not to mention your attention to detail. I especially appreciate the time you spent with me at Bandelier. Because of this, I was able to see the rock formation that makes my soul sing. Thank you for your gifts of grace and kindness."