1. All deposits: A $300. deposit per each scheduled photography workshop in New Mexico and $500. deposit per scheduled photography workshop outside of New Mexico, is required at the time of your registration, unless otherwise noted. Complete payment is required upon booking for all private photography workshops and guiding. For mentoring, please call the studio to discuss options. All deposits and workshop payments must be paid with a credit card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express or Discover) or Paypal upon booking. Reservations for workshops cannot be held without a deposit. New Mexico sales tax is additional. We highly recommend you purchase travel insurance for your workshop and travel expenses. All prices quoted are in US dollars.
2a. Payment for New Mexico based scheduled photography workshops: The balance of the workshop price is due 60 days prior to the workshop start date. The balance due will be processed on your credit card on file when due. Should this final payment fail to process or be received by the date specified, we reserve the right to treat the reservation as cancelled and retain the deposit. If a reservation is made 60 days or less prior to the workshop start date then the full amount is payable at the time of reservation. Your attendance is contingent on Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, LLC. receiving your completed Participant Profile and Waiver forms 60 days before your workshop begins and payment in full prior to the beginning of any workshop. If final payment and paperwork is not received when due, we reserve the right to cancel your reservation, as per the withdrawal and refund policy below. If you register 60 days or less before a workshop begins, a deadline for return of the completed paperwork will be mutually agreed upon. We highly recommend you purchase travel insurance for your workshop and travel expenses.
2b. Payments for scheduled photography workshops outside of New Mexico: The balance of the workshop price is due 90 days prior to the workshop start date. The balance due will be processed on your credit card on file when due. Should this final payment fail to process or be received by the date specified, we reserve the right to treat the reservation as cancelled and retain the deposit. If a reservation is made 90 days or less prior to the workshop start date then the full amount is payable at the time of reservation. Your attendance is contingent on Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, LLC. receiving your completed Participant Profile and Waiver forms 60 days before your workshop begins and payment in full prior to the beginning of any workshop. If final payment and paperwork is not received when due, we reserve the right to cancel your reservation, as per the withdrawal and refund policy below. If you register 89 days or less before the workshop begins, a deadline for return of the completed paperwork a will be mutually agreed upon. We highly recommend you purchase travel insurance for your workshop and travel expenses.
2c. Payments for private photography workshops: The total is due upon booking your Private Photography Workshop. Should this payment fail to process, we reserve the right to treat the reservation as cancelled. Your credit card will be billed under Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc. Cardmember acknowledges receipt of goods and/or services in the amount of the total shown heron and agrees to perform the obligation set forth by the cardmember agreement with the Issuer. Your attendance is contingent on Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, LLC. receiving your completed Participant Profile and Waiver forms 90 days before your workshop begins. If paperwork is not received when due, we reserve the right to cancel your reservation, as per the withdrawal and refund policy below. If you register 90 days or less before the workshop begins, a deadline for return of the completed paperwork will be mutually agreed upon. We highly recommend you purchase travel insurance for your workshop and travel expenses. Payments for private photography workshops and guiding cover tuition and New Mexico sales tax. Any additional expenses incurred during a private workshop, such as lodging, meals and locations fees, will be billed and charged on the last day of the workshop to the credit card on file, unless otherwise agreed to.
3. Paperwork: within five business days of registration, you will receive a confirmation email of your reservation and pdfs of your workshop invoice, Participant Profile form and Waiver form. These two forms must be completed, signed and returned to our office via email or mail by when your final payment is due, so we may best prepare for your workshop participation. If you enroll on shorter notice before a workshop begins, a timeline will be agreed upon for the forms to be completed and returned. For New Mexico based photography workshops: Approximately thirty days before your workshop begins, you will receive via email a welcome packet that includes recommendations of photo gear and clothing to bring; arrival and departure information; hotel and meeting information; and other pertinent information. For photography workshops outside of New Mexico: Approximately thirty days before your workshop begins, you will receive via email a welcome packet that includes recommendations of photo gear and clothing to bring; arrival and departure information; hotel and meeting information; and other pertinent information.
4. Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc. requires all workshop participants to complete and sign a Liability Waiver form with the Participant Profile form. The Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc., Craig Varjabedian Photography, llc. and our instructors are not liable for injury, accident or theft resulting from participation in our workshop program. It is the participant's responsibility to obtain information about any risks involved. Participant signature on the Liability Waiver at the time of registration verifies release of liability of the Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc., Craig Varjabedian Photography, llc., staff and any contractors. Any questions about workshop content, requirements or risks may be directed to our office, prior to the time of registration.
5a. Cancellation for New Mexico-based scheduled photography workshops: Any cancellation by the workshop participant must be made in writing, emails are not acceptable. Withdraw more than 60 days before the start of class and we will refund all monies paid, less $150. Withdraw 59 days or less before the start of workshop and we regrettably will be unable to offer a refund of your workshop fee. No exceptions. Refunds are not transferable. We highly recommend you purchase travel insurance for your workshop and travel expenses.
5b. Cancellation for scheduled photography workshops outside of New Mexico: Any cancellation by the workshop participant must be made in writing, emails are not acceptable. Withdraw more than 90 days before the start of class and we will refund all monies paid, less $250. Withdraw 89 days or less before the start of the workshop and we regrettably will be unable to offer a refund of your workshop fee. No exceptions. Refunds are not transferable. We highly recommend you purchase travel insurance for your workshop and travel expenses.
5c. Cancellation for private photography workshops and guiding: We regrettably are unable to offer a refund of your workshop or guiding fee.
5d. Cancellation for mentoring program: We regrettably are unable to offer a refund of your mentoring fee.
6. An administrative charge of $150. will be made for alterations or amendments to a scheduled workshop registration, including transfers, as available. An Administrative charge of $150 will be made for alterations or amendments to any private workshop registration or schedule. If you apply for a workshop that is full, we will place your name on a wait list. A $25. Application fee is required at the time of your application and will be refunded if we cannot provide you a space in the workshop you applied for.
7. Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, LLC. reserves the right to alter or cancel any workshop. In the unlikely event that we need to cancel a workshop we will refund all monies paid, in full. Notification of our cancellation will be made via either a telephone call or an e-mail to you at least 14 days prior to the beginning of a workshop. We cannot be responsible for phone messages and e-mails not being received in a timely matter due to your service providers. We cannot be responsible for non-refundable airline tickets unused or other travel arrangements because of a workshop cancellation.
8. Force Majeure- If due to force majeure, Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc will reschedule the workshop and you will will be contacted via email or phone as soon as reasonably practicable to be informed of the changes. When it is reasonably practicable, Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc will work with you to reschedule the workshop on mutually agreeable dates. Neither party, Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc or you (the workshop participant), shall be liable for any costs or damages due to delay or nonperformance under this Agreement arising out of any cause or event beyond such Party’s control, including but not limited to Acts of God, fire, flood, explosion, earthquake, or other natural forces, war, civil unrest, accident, work stoppage, power or other mechanical failure, governmental action, or communication disruption. A Party claiming the benefit of this provision shall, as soon as reasonably practicable after or during the occurrence of any such event, (a) provide email or telephone call notice to the other Party of the nature and extent of any such Force Majeure condition; and (b) use commercially reasonable efforts to remove any such causes and resume performance under this Agreement, as applicable, as soon as reasonably practicable.
9. In the event of the specified instructor being unable to attend due to illness or other circumstances beyond our control, another instructor will be provided. If we need to replace an instructor, we will inform you if at all possible.
10. We reserve the right to change any of the prices, service or other particulars including number of participants as described on this website or in emails or printed material at any time. The cost for each workshop is listed on the individual workshop description page. For the photography workshops that include lodging, the cost listed includes double occupancy lodging (a shared room). If you require your own room, the single supplement cost varies and depends upon availability; please call the studio for further information. If we are unable to find you a roommate, you will be charged the single supplement fee on your credit card when final payment is due. Cost increases may occur unexpectedly due to rising costs of ground transport and accommodations among others. Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc. may be compelled to amend prices, and reserves the right to do so without prior notice. An increase in workshop prices shall not be sufficient grounds for any refund of funds paid for the workshop other than as determined by the terms of our cancellation policy. Any additional charges (usually for merchandise) you incur will be processed on your credit card on the last day of your workshop.
11. The type of workshops we offer requires flexibility and must allow for alternatives. For this reason, the workshop description must be taken as an indication of what may take place, and not as a contractual obligation. All our workshops are open to digital photographers. Film photographers should call the office to inquire about a private workshop. Workshop participants must provide their own photography gear and laptop computer. And a vehicle is needed for all scheduled workshops, except where noted that ground transport is included in the price. For private photography workshops and guiding, the participant provides ground transportation and gas.
12. Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc. photography workshops are within the abilities of average people in good health. We ask that you please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about the activity levels of the workshops. Some workshops require the ability to walk/hike a few miles over uneven trails, while also carrying your photo gear, and some of the workshops are at a high elevation (like Santa Fe). By reserving a space in a workshop with a deposit, completing the Participant Profile form, and paying the balance due, you certify that you do not knowingly have any physical or other conditions of disability that would create a risk for you or other workshop participants or workshop staff. The workshop instructor’s judgment shall provide the final determination of an individual's ability to participate in or continue a workshop and the Workshop is not liable for any refund of any kind. Once your workshop payment has been made, medical circumstances will not be considered as exceptions to our cancellation policy. We assume no responsibility for medical care or for special dietary requirements. Workshop participants and staff are are asked to refrain from smoking with or near the group.
13. Eloquent Light Photography Workshops are not revolving door experiences. You must plan on being with us from the start and to the end of your workshop program. Each workshop is carefully planned to bring folks together in a common goal and have you work both independently and as a team. Closure with a group is very important to such experiences as well, which is why we request that you plan on being with us for the entire workshop. If your plans are such that you need to leave early, may we suggest attending at another time.
14. Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc. and/or their Agents act only as agents for the workshop participant in regard to travel including, but not limited to, sightseeing, meals, lodging, transportation, and all other services whether by railroad, car, bus, boat, ship or aircraft and they assume no liability for injury, damage, loss, accident, delay or irregularity which may be occasioned either by reason of defect in any vehicle or for any reason whatsoever, or through the acts or default of any company or person engaged in conveying the workshop participant or in carrying out the arrangements of the workshop. Workshop participants must be aware that participation in a workshop may involve interaction that could potentially lead to injury, sickness or even death. Workshop participants are voluntarily participating in these activities and interactions with knowledge of the danger involved and agree to assume any and all ricks of bodily injury, death, property damage, or other loss, whether those ricks are know or unknown. Workshop participants are expressly assuming the risks associated with my participation in this worksop. Workshop participants are expressly assuming the risks associated with the current Covid-19 pandemic and continue this activity following Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc. Covid-19 safety precautions, as well as the safety directives from the Center for Disease Control, the State of New Mexico and/or governmental directives. Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc. accepts no responsibility for losses or additional expenses due to delay or changes in air or other services, sickness, weather, floods, strike, war, civil disturbance, industrial action, volcanic eruption, terrorist acts, political unrest, quarantine, sickness or other causes. All such losses or expenses would have to be borne by the workshop participant, as workshop fees provide for arrangements only for the times and locations stated. Baggage is at the owner's risk entirely. The right is reserved to 1) substitute lodging of similar category for those indicated and to make any changes in the itinerary or transport where deemed necessary, or caused by changes in air schedules or equipment substitution; 2) cancel any workshop prior to departure, in which case full refund of the paid workshop funds will be given, but Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc. is not responsible for any other workshop preparation expenses such as penalized or non-refundable air tickets, visa fees and medical related expenses; 3) substitute workshop instructor(s) for the instructor(s) originally specified, in which case the substitution is not a basis for participant cancellation or refund other than provided by our normal cancellation policy; or 4) accept or retain any person as a member of any workshop. Workshop prices are based on tariffs and exchange rates in effect at the time of publication and are subject to adjustment in the event of any change therein. A Participant Profile Form including the Waiver of Liability form must be signed by each participant prior to the commencement of the workshop. Participation by any workshop member will be declined in the absence of the signed Participant Profile Form including the Waiver of Liability Form, with no workshop fee refund. No modification to the Participant Profile Form and the Waiver of Liability Form will be accepted. Should Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc., or anyone acting on their behalf be required to incur attorney's fees and costs to enforce this agreement, the enrolling workshop participant(s) agree(s) to indemnify and hold them harmless for all such fees and costs. In the event a lawsuit is filed, the enrolling participant(s) agree(s) to do so solely in the County of Santa Fe in the State of New Mexico. We highly recommend you purchase travel insurance for your workshop and travel expenses.
15. The workshop participant must communicate any perceived failure in the performance of this contract on the spot to the instructor thus giving the instructor the opportunity to achieve a satisfactory solution for the workshop participant. Should this not be possible, you should make your complaint known to us in writing within 30 days of the completion of the workshop.
16. Photography workshops outside of New Mexico additional information: Information supplied upon enrollment describes the specific costs that are included in your workshop fee. Generally these costs include lodging in double room occupancy, meals as indicated, photography instruction and guide services. Not included are airfare or other transportation from your home to the trip staging location, airport departure taxes, insurance (medical and travel), beverages, alcoholic beverages and bar expenses, tips and gratuities to local guides abroad, phone calls, passport or visa expenses, laundry or items of a personal nature. Rates are based on group tariffs; if the trip does not have sufficient registration, a small party supplement may be charged. Single accommodations are available for a supplemental cost; call our office for availability and cost. You will be charged the single supplement fee if you desire single accommodations or if you wish to have a roommate, but one is not available. In some locations, clients with single rooms are infrequently compelled to share a room due to circumstances beyond our control. Whenever possible, our workshop participants are lodged in clean, comfortable hotels and guesthouses and each room has a private bathroom. Some interesting photographic destinations are located away from modern amenities, however, and where necessary we will be accommodated in simpler lodgings. Meals are always a great place for camaraderie and the opportunity they provide to make new friends and new food. There will be options available at each meal, including for vegetarians (usually). Participants are responsible for their own beverages (including bottled water, soft drinks and alcoholic beverages on all photography workshops outside of New Mexico) at all meals. Our itineraries are intended as examples only. Participants should allow for flexibility due to changes in weather, natural history or cultural events, or other logistical arrangements deemed necessary by Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc. or the instructors. If only one space remains for a workshop, and logistics permit, we accept two persons traveling together, even if it exceeds the trip maximum.
17. Travel insurance: We highly recommend you purchase travel insurance for your workshop and travel expenses. We are registered with HTH Travel Insurance for your convenience and information is available on their website. HTH Travel Insurance offers products that do more than protect the money you invest in your trip - they protect you in unforeseen circumstances. We suggest a plan which offers coverage for medical and dental emergencies, medical evacuation (especially internationally), lost baggage, missed connections, and trip interruption/cancellation. Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc. is not responsible for cancellations due to medical, employment or home emergencies or for reimbursement of non-refundable airline tickets or other travel expenses in the event of a workshop cancellation. For more information about HTH Travel Insurance recommended products, please visit their website, or call them at (888)243-2358.
18. There is no smoking/illegal drugs/alcohol in any of the classrooms, meal areas or hotel rooms, studio, or vehicles used by Eloquent Light Photography Workshops, llc. or at any field trip location, unless in a designated location.
19. By completing the Participant Profile and Waiver of Liability Form, you are agreeing to accept all the above conditions. The person who completes the two forms does so on behalf of all the individuals included on it, so that all are bound by the registration conditions.