“Imagine going to a place . . . any place with your camera, and having a seasoned pro standing next to you, to guide you, encourage you, answer your questions and help you make powerful and heartfelt pictures of what you are seeing. That, in a nutshell, is exactly what Eloquent Light’s Private Workshop program offers.
I remember an important learning experience I had was when I was in physical therapy after a leg injury. I had a coach, who worked with me every day. He explained simply and clearly what the process would be like. He buoyed me up when I wasn’t in the mood to be there and he helped me measure my progress. My coach encouraged me to reach just beyond my ability to keep me challenged (yet safe). This is an ideal teacher to me, and these characteristics are what I work hard to bring to any workshop I teach.”
This is your opportunity to work one-on-one with award-winning fine art photographer Craig Varjabedian to continue your personal adventure with photography. Private Photography Workshops are custom planned, going where you want to go at the time of year you wish to be there and including class/studio sessions as needed. Spring in the Sangre de Cristo Mountains, Autumn along the Rio Grande, Winter at Ghost Ranch or Summer along the High Road in northern New Mexico - this is your chance to explore, engage with landscape and location, and photograph with Craig Varjabedian. As both peer and mentor, Craig will help you become the photographer you want to be, making the images of places you've loved or, until now, only dreamed of.
Previous Private Photography Workshops in New Mexico have been to Abiquiu, Ghost Ranch - Georgia O'Keeffe country, Taos, Santa Fe, White Sands, Bandelier National Monument, Fort Union, old Spanish missions and churches, White Sands National Monument and much more. Private Workshops are also available in Yosemite, the California Coast (Carmel, Point Lobos & Monterey area), Grand Teton National Park, Glacier National Park, Death Valley National Park, the Antelope Slot Canyons and throughout the American Southwest.
View ideas here
Motivated beginners will feel right at home with photographers of long experience. Craig offers Private Photography Workshops for individuals, groups, couples, and families. All camera formats are welcome.
Please call the studio for availability and pricing as this varies depending upon the criteria of the workshops. We would love to discuss how we can help you on your photographic journey. 505-983-2934.
“I’ve had the good fortune to work with Craig Varjabedian in three private workshops over the past 18 months. Each of those workshops has been a fun, productive and intense learning experience for me. Craig is a dedicated, experienced, generous and highly engaging teacher. He genuinely wants his students to learn and get full value from their investment of time and money in his workshops.”
— Ron C., Colorado
“I recently had the opportunity to take a private workshop with Craig Varjabedian, and it was a truly amazing experience. Craig was genuinely interested in my personal photographic vision and patiently worked with me to improve my camera skills. I have participated in many incredible group workshops with Eloquent Light, and highly recommend them. If at all possible, though, I encourage folks to take a private workshop with Eloquent Light; as Craig says, he “ always take(s) you to the best places!”.
— Myra B., Pennsylvania